Saturday, December 27, 2008


I just got back from watching "The Spirit". You know, I think I've had enough of Scarlett Johansson for one lifetime. I may be getting close to leaving Frank Miller behind too. You know, I can't tell if he's just a cynical writer who knows who his audience is, or if his perception of women was cemented for life when he was 12 years old.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Promethean Fire

I can't recommend Getting Off: Pornography and the end of Masculinity enough, especially to my male friends. I found I agreed with all of it and that the author was inside my head ( or I was inside his) but make no mistake it's a very challenging read. It was recommended to me by a friend and it was like promethean fire. You can't help but notice when prometheus gives you fire. Anyway, should you read it, you may find the author too harsh or be unwilling or unable to buy into the author's premise (I find I do entirely, even though I'm still wrestling with it). Regardless, I think everyone should be exposed to the argument presented therein (which is how the friend who recommended it to me feels). You can thank me later.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Things that irritate me

I don't like web sites that passive-aggressively try to trap me into looking at their page, either by popping up windows with intentionally misleading dialog or by freaking disabling the close window button on my browser. Why would you think anyone in their right mind is going to react positively to that behavior? Grrr. Yes, this just happened to me and I am a slightly cranky about it. Passive Aggressive advertising beware! Your doom has come!

I am a horrible sibling

My brother's birthday is today and I completely forgot, despite the fact that he told me yesterday. I will take him bowling tonight or something to make up for it. Yes, I know, I am a thrillseeker.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Bounty understand my life

Originally uploaded by hbot3000
I was mindlessly filling out a Tivo survey while eating lunch for a chance at a free HD tivo when I hit this page. If you'll look at my answers you'll see how far I got before the questions and my answers to them sunk in. They are clearly trying to assess how much of their advertising I mindlessly absorbed like some sort of brainless consumer drone which I find profoundly irritating. I am more than the sum of my consuming habits you bastards!

Still, who knows how deeply that innocent looking tivo has infiltrated my life. Suspicious that insufficiently enthusiastic responses to the product would lead to some sort of Clockwork Orangeish reprogramming I answered a neutral 3 to all of them and pressed submit, even thought I will not.

Fun facts

Here's a fun fact I bet you didn't know about me: I stay up late too much. I HATE going to sleep. It's some type of neurosis. I even wrote a dramatic 4 page story about being such a chronic oversleeper that I sleep through the apocalypse, which will not be distributed on this site (if you're real good I may bring out my trust poem pen and try to top some of my angsty high school epics. You're welcome in advance). So Zombie H and Phoenix H are now duking it out for control of the sleep cycle. Last night Zombie H won with a shocking 5am bed time compounded by a bird that decided to start tearing paper as he was trying to go to sleep (a bird who, shockingly, responded to reason). Tonight, Phoenix H "wins" by pushing that back to 3am. Progress.

A thought: Is it possible there's just nothing in Reno worth waking up for?

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Mash me up

I can't really take credit for this. A local friend of mine recently introduced me to mashups. The immediate question that hit me was, "How on earth did I only now become aware of this?" Searching for mashups on YouTube and listening to tracks downloaded from the Bootie Blog gave me hours of giggles. On the blog, click the "Top 10" tag to get a list of downloadable tracks for the last year or more. They've also released three CDs, all of which are downloadable.

For your enjoyment, one of my favorite blast-from-the-past mashups, "Boulevard of Broken Songs."

Monday, December 01, 2008

Random picture of the day

I don't know why I found this amusing, but I did. Fake fertility goddess at the aquarium in vegas. Because, you know, what trip to the aquarium is complete without a fertility goddess?